Welcome to Vibe Tours, where the heart of New York City beats in every tour. Founded by Dana Tamuccio, our company is a lean, mean touring machine designed to deliver an authentic and unforgettable experience. In fact, our guides develop their own tours so we deliver on what we’re passionate about.

Dana's extensive experience has taught her that a personal touch is what makes a tour authentic and special. 

We’re a small, gritty, and fiercely passionate company committed to offering tours that are as unique as the city we showcase. We believe in providing niche experiences that dive deep into the soul of New York City, delivering a rich, personal touch that larger companies can’t match.

At Vibe, we don’t just show you the sights; we immerse you in the stories, flavors, and energy that make NYC unforgettable. Our tours are crafted with personality and authenticity, ensuring that every moment with us is a true reflection of the city’s vibrant character.

Join us for a tour that’s as distinctive and lively as the city itself. At Vibe, we turn your exploration into an experience you’ll remember long after the lights of New York have faded from view.

ripped paper

Meet Our Guides

Meet Our Guides ✸

dana, the founder


Founder. Native New Yorker. Bad ass. Known to cuss from time to time.

Born and raised New Yorker who avoided becoming an unwilling mafia princess by the grace of one single bullet.  Snarky, outspoken, yet surprisingly well read.  Her attitude channels the great Alexander Hamilton who she considers the original New Yorker - he never shut up and he was wildly opinionated.  Unlike Alex, she is no mad genius, she’s just mad and she knows what she knows - NYC through a number of crises and rebirths.  Passionate, fun, welcoming and bold, tour guests love her energy and passion for what she does - entertain & educate.  As a former proprietary day trader, she brings Wall Street knowledge and if you ask for a stock tip, you best bring the cash to pay for it.  New York is all about the money, afterall.

liam, tour guide


Actor. British expat (interloper). Villain.

Born and raised in London, England, tour guide Liam is pure entertainment. With a background as a professional singer, he may rip a few lines from Hamilton, the play, along the way. Liam spent many years performing at holiday resorts and on cruise ships, where he developed a love for connecting with diverse audiences from around the world.

After moving to New York in the earliest days of the pandemic, Liam missed the joy of performing and the thrill of meeting new people. Today, Liam brings his unique perspective and cheeky (he’s a Brit ffs) sense of humor to tours that he’s personally designed.


YOU JUST GOT LUCKY! Ya found yourself…


Vibe’s founder was one bullet away from being an unwilling mafia princess.