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Express Lunch Tours

Crazy good tours on your 45-minute lunch break

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Life is all about choices, and during lunch you have two (no, not the gym - please, stop it).  You can sit at your desk and let your brain continue to shrivel under the repetitive and menial tasks you perform day in and day out.  Or you can get off your tukus and have fun while learning about the city you call home.  We do it all in 45 minutes, so tell your micromanager to just chill.  Or, better yet, tell them to loosen up with an Express Lunch Tour of their very own.

Sign up for one of our public offerings, or grab a group and schedule a tour all your own. We end all tours near food halls, so you can order ahead and scoop the noms on your way back to the hellscape your company calls a workspace.

For private groups/special requests please fill out the form below and don’t be afraid to ask for exactly what you want.  Unless it involves an airborne vehicle, we feel pretty good about our chances of delivering.

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Inquire here!

Inquire here! ✸

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YOU JUST GOT LUCKY! Ya found yourself…


1620’s Manhattan was rumored to have more taverns than people. This may still be true.

What do YOU think?!